You probably like swimming a lot. If you often swim in the swimming hall or in the lake, or you even go swimming in the sea, you may wonder if it is necessary to shower after swimming. In particular, you might be thinking about this if you are going to sleep after swimming.
So, is it bad to sleep without showering after swimming?
Not necessarily. It depends a bit on where you are swimming. For instance, if you swim in a clear, cold water lake, and you have time to dry yourself before bed, it might just be ok. On the other hand, if you swim in a swimming pool, it is highly recommended to take a shower after swimming and before going to bed, since chlorine can cause many kinds of issues for your body.
But in what specific situations might you want to take a shower after swimming and before going to bed?
In this post, you can likely find most of the possible scenarios when you might wonder if you should take a shower after swimming and before you sleep.
It may be a bit tricky to go through every possible scenario when you should take a shower after swimming and before going to bed. Therefore, you might want to get simple guidelines on when showering would be absolutely necessary.
We are now speaking broadly about three different situations when you might be considering the question: is it bad to go to sleep without showering after swimming?
Should You Shower After Swimming in a Pool Before Bed?
Whether you are swimming in a pool at a swimming hall, or in a hotel pool, or even in your own pool, you may wonder if you could just dry yourself out after swimming without showering. In particular, if the day is warm and sunny, drying in the sun before going to bed might feel like it’s just enough.

But that may be a really bad idea.
Why is it so?
Just one reason is related to chlorine.
You may know that pools are usually chlorinated. Chlorine is useful for avoiding the spread of bacteria and bugs. Furthermore, the chlorine can help with “killing germs, micro-organisms, algae” and other adverse issues in water. So, it’s usually safe to swim in the pool.
So far, so good.
But, the problem is that when you swim in the pool with chlorinated water, it can cause some issues for your body.
What could those issues be?
First of all, chlorine can dry your skin and hair. After swimming in the pool, you may not get the dry feeling right away. However, if you let your skin and hair dry in the sun without showering, soon you may notice that your skin feels much more dry than before swimming.
Furthermore, for some people chlorine might cause “redness, itching, eczema, and rashes” on the skin.
Also, chlorine “can cause worse reactions if you have an existing hypersensitivity.”
There may also be some other negative consequences from skipping showering after swimming in a pool.
For example, there is indication that “prolonged exposure has also been linked to bladder cancer and asthma.”
So, there are many possible negative consequences from letting all the chlorine residue stay on your hair and skin.
It could be even worse if you go to sleep after swimming in the pool without showering first. The chlorine stays on your skin, and when you are sleeping in the bed, you are likely rubbing your skin against the bed sheets, causing additional trouble to your skin.
Another consideration is related to all the dirt that may stick on your skin while swimming.
Even though the chlorine may help kill bacteria and other unwanted particles in the water, it might still contain some dirt that can be harmful you and your health.
So, that is why showering after swimming would be a good practice before going to bed.
Should You Shower After Swimming in a Lake Before Bed?
It depends on a few factors.
First, it depends on what kind of a lake it is and where it is located.
For instance, if the lake is near a town or a factory, it is more likely that the lake might be polluted. Therefore, showering after swimming and before bed may be an excellent idea.
On the other hand, if the lake is in the middle of nowhere and you know it’s a clean natural lake, you might think that you don’t need to shower after swimming.
However, in some areas, even if the lake is in middle of nature, there might be a possibility of the water containing some parasites or other harmful things, making it necessary to clean yourself well after swimming.
It is true that even showering may not be enough to get rid of parasites or some other problems. You should consider carefully whether the lake is safe for swimming or not. But if you decide that swimming is not too risky, showering after swimming is still a good precaution.

On the other hand, in some areas the shower water might not be much cleaner. In that case, you should consider the risks and benefits carefully.
Anyway, if you are not sure if you should take a shower after swimming in a lake, find out how clear the lake is, and if there is any reason to not swim in the lake.
For example, you might find a sign near the lake, telling you how clean the lake is. The report might show the results of the water sample, and it may tell you if the lake is good to go swimming.
One more consideration related to the lake where you want to swim, even though relevant only in certain risk areas, is the possibility of “brain-eating parasites that are common in fresh, warm water”
Said about brain-eating amebas:
Senior Medical Correspondent Elizabeth Cohen
Therefore, in some cases, you might have to skip swimming altogether. In other cases, it may be a good idea to shower after swimming in the lake. In yet some cases, the water in the lake might be so clean that there is no need to shower after swimming.
Should You Shower After Swimming in the Sea Before Bed?
Swimming in the sea or ocean is usually fun, and sunbathing on the beach feels relaxing.
Many times, after swimming in the ocean, people go and lie down on a sunbed. After sunbathing, you might feel that there is no reason to take a shower, because you are already dry after lying in the sun.
Then, you might wonder if you could just go to sleep after swimming and skip showering altogether.
Similarly to swimming in a lake, swimming in the sea may cause some unwanted issues. For instance, depending on the area, a possibility of parasites may exist.

Furthemorer, sea water might also contain harmful bacteria.
For instance, researchers found out that there was a high risk of getting MRSA on the beach in Florida.
This is just one example of the risks of swimming in sea water in an area where many other people go to swim too.
Therefore, it is highly recommended to shower “before and after going for a swim.”
In particular, after swimming in the sea, it may be crucial to shower before bed to avoid catching any harmful diseases.
Related questions:
Do showers help you sleep?
Most likely, the answer is yes. It, of course, depends on whether showering feels relaxing for you or not. Usually, taking a shower helps you calm down if you feel any anxiety. In addition, showering might relax your body before going to bed, so that you may fall asleep faster than without taking a shower.
Is it bad to shower when tired?
Not usually. But if you are so tired that you are not sure if you can stay awake while showering, and you feel that it is better to go to sleep, it may better to skip the shower. This way, you don’t have to worry about falling asleep while showering.
Is it OK to sleep with wet hair?
It is usually highly recommended to dry your hair completely before bed. The reason for this is that your pillow and pillowcase won’t get wet and, then you much likely sleep better for the whole night.